Create a personal website with Blogdown like what we did


A personal website is an incomparable platform for building your online profile and showcasing your amazing work (research or other interesting stuff). Blogdown is a popular R package developed for producing a static website from R Markdown documents. Even if you are currently using GitHub pages for your personal website, you might be interested in this talk after reading this post by Yihui. In this talk, we’ll introduce some tips and tricks for building a personal website with Blogdown based on our own experience. This talk is expected to be a hands-on workshop (something fun and meaningful to do during quarantine). Participants would have a chance to build their own “baby” website and deploy the website online with Netlify!
It would be helpful if you register a Netlify account and master some basics about GitHub and Markdown in advance. You can be even more prepared and start to work on your own website now by following this tutorial written by Annie. That’s how Anabelle created her own website!

Apr 3, 2020 3:10 PM — 4:00 PM
Ames, Iowa
Annie Lyu
Annie Lyu
Principal Data Scientist

rstats, dataviz, she/her